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Bismillahi Al-Rahman Al-Raheem

America ‘organises’ the Arab Summit in Riyadh!
To finalise the Muslim Issues, particularly Palestine

The Arab rulers gathered to their 19th summit on 28th and 29th of March 2007 in Riyadh. The United States, represented by her foreign secretary Condolezza Rice, too was there, albeit not in person! She flew into Aswan in Egypt ‘honoured’ from where she called political and intelligence committees from those rulers and she met them on the 24th of March just prior the summit to transfer the agenda to the delegates of the summit and the desires of Bush of surrounding Israel with the warmth of friendly Arab states in compensation of her July defeat!

Rice did not leave the region – moving in business trips between Egypt, Jordon and Palestine – except just the night before the summit after she was content that the agenda will be followed according to the orders! Rice did not forget, before she finished her trip on the 27th of March 2007, to recommend, rather order, the Arab leaders to extend their hand toward Israel, more than what they already are, to reassure her that Israel will be more secure in the region. Before she left Washington at the start of her trip Rice announced that she hopes – rather orders – that the Arab rulers will offer in their summit the ‘Arab Peace Initiative’ which was declared in the Beirut Summit of 2002, and to activate it a way which she described as ‘active diplomacy’. And thus it happened: the closing declaration of the summit came today concentrating clearly on moving the Arab Peace Initiative which was originally made in America, prepared by Thomas Freidman, which Prince Abdullah adopted and offered to the Beirut Summit and it was accepted and become known as the ‘Arab Peace Initiative’.

America was able, under the administration of the New Republicans, to make the Arab rulers announce openly and clearly through the mentioned plan that the issue of Palestine is only what was occupied in 1967 and that this is the core of the conflict, and the negotiation would be only to find a solution for that, and the talk about establishing a Palestinian State will be on about that part…As for occupied Palestine of 1948 it is purely owned by the Jews, having no claimant, according to a certificate issued from the Arab rulers.

Sought after that is a declaration from the Palestinian people of an acceptance of the plan just like the Arab rulers. Despite that the Palestinian authority accepted the mentioned plan, however it came from one secular matrix: they wanted an authority representing the secularists and ‘islamists’ to accept this plan so the one who is going to give up Palestine of 1948 will be its people with the whole spectrum and not the Arab rulers only. This plan kept waiting about five years until the Mecca agreement which confirmed the abiding by, and respect for, the international and Arab Summit resolutions and the agreements of the PLO – and all of them entail a recognition of Israel – and then a Government of national unity was formed on that basis, that being an indication of the readiness of that government to accept the Arab Peace Initiative because the contents were almost the same as those of the Mecca Agreement. By then America decided to activate the Arab Peace Initiative to be on the agenda of the Riyadh Summit to complete the acceptance of the Arab Rulers of this plan in the Beirut Summit with the acceptance of the people of Palestine in the Riyadh Summit represented by what they call the Government of National Unity of secularists and islamists! And this complete agreement a gift offered from the new Republicans to Israel through the sequenced surrendering of the rulers and the Palestinian authority.

O Muslims,
America had succeeded in the Beirut Summit in 2002 under the name of the Arab Peace Initiative by making the Arab rulers erase from their dictionary the occupied Palestine of 1948, and today she succeeded in the Riyadh Summit by adding to the Arab rulers the Palestinian authority and its governments with its two wings, the secular and the Islamic, by erasing as well the occupied Palestine 1948 through the acceptance of the resolutions of the Arab Summit in Riyadh, led by the Arab Peace Initiative.

They justify this humiliation, disgrace and submission to the Israelis by accepting this plan by saying this plan will return the occupied Palestine of 1967 and that they will establish a state there, as they are now, so they pretend, unable to fight Israel and defeat it and return the whole of Palestine.

Despite their lies by pretending this, if they move their armies to fight and gather those able to fight therein, Israel would be finished and the example of the true wars, not the set-up ones, with the Jews, despite their small number, are witness to this. This over and above the fact that the occupation of even a hand span of Muslim land obliges moving the armies to fight, and keeping the Muslims in a factual state of war with the occupier until that hand span is returned. Also surrounding the occupied Palestine of 1948 for a state within the occupied Palestine of 1967, even if it is established, is a betrayal of Allah (swt) and His Messenger (saw) and of the believers. Whoever does that will be disgraced in the world and the punishment in the hereafter will be greater, only if they knew.

Despite all this, even if we set aside all this, the Arab Peace Initiative, regardless of the modified surrendering indexes, and 1000 plans like this would never return the occupied Palestine of 1967 fully. It is one of the main principles of the Jews since Britain brought them to Palestine and established them and it agents to have a state in Palestine, since that time every time their opponents give up something, they ask for more, because they know that whoever gives up their rights once will give more, and whoever gives up one part will give up more parts, and thus they are scoring with their surrounding of the opponent points in their favour. Then they launch to other points, and so on and so forth…Israel will continue to eat more and more of Palestine of 1967 as long as they do not get defeated in the battlefield and their state is destroyed. This is why they are going to de-signify the initiative, more than what it already is, either by eating the borders by the wall and settlements…or by de-signifying the issue of the refugees, until it becomes one of returning just a part of them, not all of them, to the West Bank and Gaza, or by changing the features of al-Quds to give to the surrenderers the right to be in its suburbs Abu Dees and al-Ezariya, if even that! The Jews are content in achieving this because whoever is going to give up the occupied Palestine of 1948, he will give up parts of Palestine of 1967 without shame from Allah, His Messenger (saw) and the believers.

This plan through the Arab Summit in Riyadh achieved for Israel a new achievement over and above what she achieved in the Beirut Summit in 2002. This new achievement added the signature of the Government of National Unity represented by the secularists and islamists to the signatures of the Arab rulers on the documents of selling Palestine of 1948 for a state in the occupied land of 1967! This is what Saud al-Faisal referred to when he was asked in a press conference on the 25th of March about what is new in this summit, he confirmed that there is a new element: the forming of a Government of National Unity in Palestine in harmony with the Arab regimes in agreement on the Arab strategy to resolve the Arab-Israeli conflict.

O Muslims,
It was not enough for the rulers in the Riyadh Summit, with the repeating stabbing of Palestine, they added now other stabs through their decisions: they put their hand with the American made temporary Somali government, the same government who prepared for the Ethiopian army to occupy Somalia with an order and support from America. They kept silent on the real reasons of the Darfur issue which was started by France through their puppets in Chad and the interfering of Britain and America there. They did not say a single thing about resisting the American occupation of Iraq, but even when the savagery of occupation increased the warm friendship between the rulers and America increased. And they left Lebanon as a victim to the American-French conflict without daring even to announce this even whisperingly!

Above all this, these rulers are turning the facts upside down, and they are not calling a spade a spade, but they show their resolutions as some kind of clear victory and great conquest in Palestine, Sudan, Iraq, Somalia and Lebanon…May Allah curse them, how they lie!

O Muslims,
The calamity of the Ummah is in its rulers: they have become used to lying to the people and misleading them, and have become proficient in turning the facts on their heads. They are a witness to their own evil actions. Had it not been for a verse in the Book of Allah, the Exalted,

وَإِذْ قَالَتْ أُمَّةٌ مِنْهُمْ لِمَ تَعِظُونَ قَوْمًا اللَّهُ مُهْلِكُهُمْ أَوْ مُعَذِّبُهُمْ عَذَابًا شَدِيدًا قَالُوا مَعْذِرَةً إِلَى رَبِّكُمْ وَلَعَلَّهُمْ يَتَّقُونَ
“And when a people from them said, ‘Why do you admonish a people whom Allah will destroy or punish with a severe punishment. They said, ‘To be free from blame before your Lord, and perhaps they may fear Him’” [al-A’raf:164]

we would not have issued any leaflet about their conference. However, perhaps this leaflet will wake one asleep, or shock a betrayer or return a scared mind.

يَاأَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ ءَامَنُوا لاَ تَخُونُوا اللَّهَ وَالرَّسُولَ وَتَخُونُوا أَمَانَاتِكُمْ وَأَنْتُمْ تَعْلَمُونَ
“O you who believe! Do not betray Allah and the Messenger, and do not betray your trusts whilst you know!”

10 Rabi’ al-Awwal 1428 AH


Hizb ut-Tahrir


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  • America ‘organises’ the Arab Summit in Riyadh!To finalise the Muslim Issues, particularly Palestine
